Not Your Ordinary Missions

Think Glocally

Our world has become comprehensively connected through technology, commerce, communication, and travel. All religions are now everywhere. We no longer have the option to choose to live a sheltered life of isolation from the rest of the planet, which resulted in our namesake, “GlocalNet.”

The Kingdom, an essential part of the GlocalNet DNA, is about serving the whole world, moving from believing it to living it. When you unlock the tools to mobilize all your members, it is no longer only a few members doing mission work for your church. Your entire church becomes mobilized to use their unique job and skills to live on mission both in your city and around the world. With your leadership, we can guide your church into living out the Great Commission.

We believe the Great Commission was given to everyone, not just vocational missionaries. As a result, we want to see every follower of Jesus use his or her job to serve that domain in a hard place around the world. One major difference in our work is that we commit to working in one place, for a long period of time. We want to build trusting relationships with government and local leaders and equip churches to serve through an Assets Based Approach. We like to say, “We serve not to convert, but because we have been converted.” Regardless of what they believe, we want to add value to a nation and learn from them as well. That only happens through long-term, trusting relationships.


One Place vs Multiple Places

We believe that serving in one hard place in the world allows us to develop deeper and more meaningful relationships. We're able to provide help from all our members, whether nurses, mechanics, lawyers, teachers, or whatever job.

Using Your Job

In order for glocal impact, equipping members to use their vocational talents to serve is crucial. This enables us to help more effectively and build close relationships.

Kingdom Churches

The Kingdom Framework moves us from individualism to family, and from tribal faith to global Church.


Being a Local Church with Global Impact

What does it look like for believers to work with non-believers for the glory of God, and also for ministry? When you do that, possibly without even realizing it, you are in the public square.

This free guide will help walk you through 10 Keys to Better Engages Nations. It will walk you through key ingredients of missions in the 21st century and more written by Pastor Bob Roberts Jr.


Ready to Better Engage Nations?

Want a deeper understanding of GlocalNet’s DNA and the guiding philosophy behind glocal engagement? Our short KingdomDNA video course acts as a GlocalNet 101 and is the best next step to learn more about how to partner with us in nation engagement and get connected with us.

Take the Course
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Ready to Get Started?

Your Next Step to Engaging Nations

Are you ready to learn how to better engage nations? Interested in having the opportunity to go somewhere to serve in the world that’s in need with our team?

We are looking for Kingdom-minded leaders for our Missions in 21st Century online training—the next step for your Nation Engagement journey.

Sign up today for our upcoming online cohort!

See Upcoming Cohorts

Want to Connect?

We'd love to connect with you to discuss our approach to Nation Engagement and missions in the 21st century. Fill out the form below and we will connect you with our team.