Apply for our coaching program

Application for Coaching

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GlocalNet Coaching

What is the Purpose of GlocalNet Coaching?

To help plant healthy, multiplying churches for the public square. The goal is to equip, empower and encourage church planters to achieve their goals.

Coaching Topics
  1. 7 Processors

    How to develop an effective plan

  2. Three Dimensions of Church

    Focus on effective small groups

  3. The Multiplying Church

    What is the DNA of multiplication

  4. Domains

    How to mobilize your members in practical ways

  5. City Engagement

    How to work with your city instead of for your city

  6. Nation Engagement

    How to engage nations through domains

  7. Multi-Faith

    Developing relationship with other faith leaders to produce resilient communities

  8. Mulit-ethnic

    How to engage with other ethnicities.

  9. 8 Systems

    How to bring organizational alignment

  10. Leadership Development

    Developing a leadership culture

  11. Budgeting

    Aligning your budget with your vision

  12. Evaluation

    How will you measure your progress

Commitment & Cost

1x a Month Zoom calls for 12 months

Yearly Cost is $600.00

Application for Coaching Form

Please fill out the below application for coaching and we will reach out to you to discuss.

The cost for the coaching is $600 for 12 months or $50/month for 12 months. Please select which option.